How to Purchase from as a Foreigner (2024 Complete Guide)

Purchasing products from (Alibaba China) as a foreigner can be challenging. Existing tutorials and guides are often insufficient and sometimes misleading. To help you navigate the complexities of purchasing from, I’ve created this comprehensive guide.

How to Purchase from as a Foreigner (2024 Complete Guide)

Purchasing products from (Alibaba China) as a foreigner can be challenging. Existing tutorials and guides are often insufficient and sometimes misleading. To help you navigate the complexities of purchasing from, I’ve created this comprehensive guide. This article provides practical tips and suggestions to simplify and streamline your shopping experience. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced buyer, this guide offers valuable information.

1. What is is China's leading B2B wholesale and direct sales website, and it is the Chinese version of and Like, you can find products, manufacturers, and various service providers on and connect with them directly. It is traditionally a major way to import from China.

In recent years, with the increase of online store owners, has enhanced its online wholesale capabilities. Many small and medium-sized online business owners can now order directly from suppliers, making the process similar to shopping on Aliexpress or

2. Why Purchase from

Lower and Transparent Prices

This is the primary reason many choose to purchase from Many suppliers on are factories or top wholesalers, meaning you can buy products directly from Chinese factories at lower prices, bypassing export agents or trading companies. Furthermore, prices on are very transparent and vary based on purchase volume. The more you buy, the cheaper the price.

For example:

2-5 pieces: ¥18.5 RMB each

6-23 pieces: ¥15.5 RMB each

 24 pieces and above: ¥14.5 RMB each

More Products and Quality Suppliers

Traditionally, finding Chinese suppliers was done through or trade fairs. However, on Alibaba and trade shows, you only encounter a fraction of suppliers. On the other hand, aggregates nearly all Chinese suppliers. You can find many suppliers who only serve domestic buyers and export companies. On, you can communicate directly with suppliers through Aliwangwang or WeChat.

Friendly for Small Sellers and Startups

On, the minimum order quantities set by suppliers are often very high, requiring bulk purchases of hundreds or thousands of items to start. For small sellers, this can be risky. However, the minimum order quantities on are much lower, with some products available for as few as 1 or 2 pieces. Small sellers can start a store with just $100 or $200 and offer dozens of product categories. Some suppliers even provide direct sales services, where you only need to provide recipient information, and they will ship products directly to global customers. This approach allows for almost zero cost of operation.

3.  How to Purchase from 1688

3.1.  Find Products on

a.  Prepare Product Images and Keywords

i.  Image Search

Image search is the quickest way to find products on, so it's best to prepare several product images. By uploading images, you can instantly find matching products, saving the trouble of text searches. This method is particularly useful if you’re unsure about the product name or model, making your purchasing process more efficient.

ii.  Keyword Search

If certain products are hard to find through images, you need to prepare 3 to 5 keywords and translate them into Chinese. A useful trick is to find similar products on Taobao, Amazon, or Aliexpress first, take screenshots of these products, and then search for these screenshots on This increases your chances of finding the desired product.

Enter Keywords or Upload Images

Next, enter your prepared keywords into the search bar or click the camera icon to upload images. If everything goes smoothly, you’ll see many similar products in the search results, making it easy to find what you need.

3.2.  Select Quality Suppliers on

Next, you need to choose the most suitable supplier from many offering similar products. For detailed methods on selecting the right supplier, refer to our other articles. How to Choose Quality Suppliers on

3.3.  Communicate with Sellers

On, most products can be ordered directly, but some sellers may have restrictions or require communication before placing an order. Therefore, communicating with suppliers is an important step in the purchasing process.

If you purchase through an agent, they might handle these communications for you, but be aware that they may hide information such as pricing. To establish a stable supply chain and work long-term with, mastering communication skills with Chinese suppliers is essential.

When communicating with suppliers, focus on the following:

a.  Bargaining

Although the price is listed on the product page, it might not be the final price. Try negotiating for a discount. If the order quantity is large, ask if domestic shipping fees can be reduced or waived to save costs.

b. Confirm Product Details and Delivery Time

Product page images may be edited; request more authentic photos of the products. Many products may not be in stock at the seller’s warehouse, so confirm the delivery time, especially if your order is urgent.

c. Ask About Product Certifications

Many suppliers on Alibaba list product certifications like CE, FDA, RoHS, but sellers on may not proactively provide this information. If your imported products need these certifications, confirm with the seller in advance.

3.4.  Payment and Placing Orders

If you buy through an agent, payment is usually straightforward, with agents offering convenient payment methods like credit cards or PayPal. However, high exchange rates and commissions from agents can be frustrating. If you want to deal directly with suppliers, you need to understand other payment methods.

Many suppliers on do not support PayPal, Bitcoin, or international credit cards and do not accept USD. Therefore, consider these payment methods:


Alipay is the cheapest and most convenient payment method. However, you need a Chinese bank card to verify your account, which typically cannot be opened online or remotely; you need to visit a bank in person. If you frequently visit China or plan to, you can get a Chinese bank card during your visit.

Alipay Corporate Account and 1688 Cross-Border Payment

1688 Cross-Border Payment (跨境宝/Kuajingbao/KJB) is a payment solution specifically for some overseas companies. It allows foreign companies to pay suppliers directly through their Alipay and 1688 accounts. This solution is secure, economical, with lower costs than buying through agents and offers more competitive exchange rates.

Alipay “Agency Payment” Feature

Alipay has an “Agency Payment” feature where you can invite a friend in China to help with payment. If you have friends in China, you can ask them for help.

Bank Transfer

Most suppliers accept bank transfers, but they only accept RMB. You can use services like Transferwise or Paysend to transfer RMB directly into the supplier’s account.

Western Union

Western Union is simple to operate; you only need the recipient’s name and address. It is suitable for small payments.

Chinese Individuals in Your Country

Many Chinese individuals are studying or doing business abroad. You can ask them to help with payment and then pay them in local currency. This way, you can bypass middlemen and deal directly with suppliers.

3.5.  Domestic Shipping

Sellers usually ship within 24 hours after receiving payment. Most suppliers work from Monday to Saturday and handle shipments on Saturdays as well. Your order will be shipped via express or logistics companies, typically taking 1-3 days to reach your address in China. After shipping, suppliers usually provide a tracking number for you to check the package status on the order page or request from your agent.

Shipping costs displayed on the supplier’s page are often high. Generally, domestic express costs about ¥1 RMB per kilogram within the province, and about ¥2-3 RMB per kilogram for interprovincial shipping. If you find the shipping costs too high, you can contact the supplier directly or request your agent to adjust the shipping cost. Most suppliers are willing to adjust shipping fees to ensure the transaction proceeds smoothly.

3.6.  Warehousing

1.  Typically, your goods will arrive at your warehouse in China within 2-4 days after the seller ships them. During this time, you can conduct quality management to ensure products meet standards. If issues are found, contact the seller for returns or exchanges. However, it can be costly to ship goods back to China if issues are discovered after receiving them.

You can ask your freight forwarder or agent to perform simple quality checks, such as taking photos of the products and packaging and checking quantities. This can help identify issues early and avoid problems later.

If you need to add extra labels, such as Amazon labels or your brand logo, communicate with your freight forwarder in advance to confirm if they provide this service, as not all agents do.

Additionally, if you purchase from different suppliers, you can have all items sent to the same address and then consolidate them into one package to save on shipping costs.

3.7.  International Shipping

If you plan to make significant profits from importing from China, you must have full control over logistics from China to your country. This is crucial! Logistics directly impact your overall costs, customs clearance, and inventory management. Without control over logistics, your import business will struggle to scale.

When I say "complete control," I mean:You need to understand several major shipping methods from China to your country, at least 4-5.

i.  You need to be able to choose the most suitable shipping method for your goods.

ii.  You should have 2-3 reliable freight forwarders who offer these shipping methods and can provide competitive prices and stable services.

3.8.  Customs and Taxes

a.  Typically, your freight forwarder or agent will handle customs clearance. They will prepare all necessary documents, including export declaration from China and import declaration for your destination country. You need to ensure that the supplier provides the required invoices, packing lists, and other product information.

b.  Some products also require additional certification reports for the destination country, such as CE certification for electronics in the EU market or MSDS battery safety testing reports for rechargeable products.

c.  Ensure that these steps are fully prepared to help you pass customs smoothly and avoid unnecessary complications.

Benefits of Using BuckyDrop

Using BuckyDrop in the cross-border procurement and logistics process can offer significant advantages, making the entire operation more efficient and smooth:

1.  Streamlined Procurement Process:

BuckyDrop provides a complete set of simplified procurement solutions, helping you manage orders from easily. You can place orders directly through the BuckyDrop integrated platform without dealing with complex cross-border payments and supplier communication issues.

2.  Optimized Logistics Management:

BuckyDrop offers one-stop logistics services, including warehousing, packaging, and delivery. Through BuckyDrop, you can manage all orders centrally, avoiding cumbersome logistics arrangements and ensuring timely product delivery.

3.  Multiple Payment Options:

BuckyDrop supports various payment methods, solving the problem of international payments not supported by suppliers on You can choose the payment method that suits you best, avoiding high exchange rates and commissions.

4.  Warehousing and Quality Inspection Services:

BuckyDrop provides warehousing services, ensuring your goods are properly stored and quality checked. This helps identify and resolve issues before shipment, reducing the risk of returns and refunds due to product problems.

5.  Reduced Intermediary Costs:

With BuckyDrop, you can directly connect with suppliers, reducing intermediary fees. BuckyDrop's platform design allows you to conduct procurement and management more efficiently, saving costs.

6.  Enhanced Transparency and Control:

BuckyDrop provides detailed logistics tracking and order management functions, allowing you to understand the status of your goods in real-time. You can better control the logistics process, ensuring smooth customs clearance and delivery.

7.  International Market Support:

Whether you want to ship products to any country, BuckyDrop can provide corresponding support and services, helping you smoothly enter the international market.

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